Relative Housing Wealth and Labor Market Behavior (相对住房财富与劳动市场行为)-姜先登 (西南财经大学)


主  题: Relative Housing Wealth and Labor Market Behavior (相对住房财富与劳动市场行为)
内容简介: his paper analyzes the effect of relative housing wealth on labor supply. Using China's housing boom as a natural experiment, we examine this question empirically and find that an appreciation of relative housing wealth significantly reduces average working hours. We also find that this reduction is mainly driven by female homeowners. Our results indicate that the effects of relative housing wealth vary across education backgrounds, marital status, and employment sectors; we ultimately find the effect to be more pronounced among female homeowners who are less-educated, married, and self-employed. A set of robustness checks corroborate the validity of our identification strategies and test the sensitivity of the results. In addition to explaining the empirical link between relative housing wealth and labor supply, this study improves our understanding of the effect of wealth fluctuations on economic behavior.
报告人: 姜先登    副教授

时  间: 2019-04-17    15:00
地  点: 位育楼 117 
举办单位: 城市发展研究院  科研部

南京审计大学版权所有 苏ICP备05007120号-4


