Big Data, IoT, and Analytics Empowering the Customer-Robin Qiu (The Pennsylvania State University)


主  题:Big Data, IoT, and Analytics Empowering the Customer

内容简介:The Internet of Things (IoT) allows objects to be sensed and managed over the networks, which creates opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems. People-centric sensing or social sensing then transforms how we sense the world. Today, social sensing (e.g., mobile apps) complements physical sensing (e.g., IoT) by substantially extending the horizon we know about the world in real time. We discuss how we can integrate physical and social sensing to enable better and smarter services. We use city mobility services to demonstrate the potential of the proposed integration. We discuss a big data driven approach and tool that facilitates capturing, understanding, and evaluation of customers’ perception and needs of services in real time. We will explain a big data based framework in support of data retrieving, aggregations, transformations, and visualizations, empowering the customers. An implementation with smart services using examples (citibike, US higher education, Alzheimer’s disease progression modeling, and multiple-disease risk assessment) will be presented. We will also discuss how the proposed approach can be adopted in enhancing healthcare applications and decision-making in the patient-centric healthcare service community.

报告人:Robin Qiu     Professorr

                       Director of Big Data Lab

                       chair of the INFORMS Section on Service Science

时  间:2017-04-19    15:30

地  点:敏行楼106

举办单位:中国审计情报中心  审计科学研究院

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